An inquiry by the All-Party Parliament Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People into The Regeneration of Outdated Sheltered Housing, sponsored by Abbeyfield, has called for urgent action to regenerate sheltered housing properties in the UK in order to provide good quality, accessible homes for people in later life that meet contemporary standards and expectations.

The inquiry, which took place between June 2023 and July 2024, gathered evidence from a wide range of contributions from social housing and care providers, private sector operators of retirement housing, architects and surveyors specialising in regeneration projects and residents of sheltered housing schemes.

Its report recognises the value of investing in the refurbishment of sheltered housing and ensuring a decent home for older residents. It also identifies the broader social benefits of upgrading housing for older people to sustain accommodation that improves mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Key recommendations from the report, aimed at policymakers, governmental agencies and sheltered housing providers involved in housing development, include a flexible approach for future capital investment to replace, update and refurbish existing sheltered housing; Local Authorities to determine local need and demand for housing for older people; and the avoidance of disposals and sales where possible.

Abbeyfield Living Society CEO, Paul Tennant, said, “There is an urgent need for a clear plan for the future which includes access to funding and investment opportunities geared towards the refurbishment, upgrading and maintenance of existing housing stock as a viable alternative to simply building new developments.

“The recommendations set out clear and effective ways in which the government and providers can address these challenges and protect this precious asset for future generations.”