Abbeyfield Contractor’s Code of Conduct

Abbeyfield expects its contractors to adhere to the following code of conduct when working on one of its sites:

First impressions: 
  • Arrive on time and prepared for the job, as per the appointment time and date arranged in advance with the Service Manager. Inform the Manager as soon as possible if cancellation or rescheduling is required.
  • Park considerately and responsibly.
  • Dress appropriately at all times, including the wearing of appropriate PPE. Clean and tidy appearance is expected.
  • Carry and present appropriate identification before entering the property. Contractors should introduce themselves to the staff on-site and state who they work for.
  • Explain what work you are there to do and give the on-site Service Manager (or another member of staff, if the Service Manager is not present) an idea of how long you think it is expected to take.
  • Clarify which areas of the property you will need access to and make sure carpets and furniture are protected.
  • Wipe your feet and make sure you have protective footwear or overshoes in case they are required.
  • Make yourself aware of and adhere to the fire safety procedure, asbestos, and safeguarding information for the building available to you in the entrance area.
Whilst carrying out work:
  • Carry out all work in accordance with their RAMS and in a professional manner, keeping the work area tidy and do not obstruct corridors of fire exits.
  • Keep disruption to services to a minimum – if you need to turn off the gas, water, or electricity, explain this to staff on-site and give them an estimation of when these will be back on. Always make sure services reconnected at the end of the day.
  • If you need to leave site for materials, make sure you tell a member of staff on-site and give them an idea of when you will be returning.
  • Tools/equipment which are to be left on-site overnight must be secure, safe, and unplugged; these are left unattended at the contractor’s own risk.
  • Complete the job in one visit if possible. Where work must be undertaken outside normal working hours, the contractor should arrange this with the Service Manager.
  • Unprofessional or potentially offensive comments should be kept to yourself; this includes passing comment on the quality of other contractor’s work that has previously been carried out.
  • In order to minimise risk levels, use battery tools where you can.
  • Keep mobile phone use to a minimum and ensure use is work-related only.
  • Playing of radios and/or music should be kept to a reasonable volume and should be agreed with the Service Manager prior to the work commencing.
  • If the job is going to take more than one day to complete, update the on-site staff or Service Manager regularly on progress.
  • If you do not complete the job in one visit, explain to the Service Manager what still needs to be done and arrange a convenient appointment for you to return before you leave.
  • If any damage is caused by the contractor to the fabric of the building, Abbeyfield, or resident equipment or belongings, this should be reported to the on-site staff or Service Manager immediately.
Job completion:
  • Once work has been completed, explain what you have done to the on-site staff or Service Manager and check they are happy with the work.
  • Return any keys which have been provided with to access secure areas.
  • If you have fitted new services or equipment, explain to the on-site staff how these work and leave instructions on-site.
  • At the end of each working day, ensure you have left the area clean, tidy, and any rubbish has been removed.
  • Ensure any live permits are closed down by the issuing authority.
Welfare & Safeguarding:
  • Only use the toilet allocated to them; facilities must be left in a clean and tidy condition.
  • Remember you are working in someone’s home.
  • Treat residents, staff, and other visitors as you wish and expect to be treated.
  • Unprofessional or potentially offensive comments should be kept to yourself; this includes passing comment on the quality of other contractor’s work that has previously been carried out.
  • Be mindful and respectful of cultural sensitivities.
  • Under no circumstances should expletive or profane language be used.
  • If you see something whilst working in an Abbeyfield property that gives you cause for concern, please report it to the Service Manager immediately.
  • Avoid confrontation – if you don’t feel safe (for whatever reason), report to the Service Manager or central Abbeyfield Property Team.
Smoking & Vaping:

Contractors are not permitted to smoke or use e-cigarettes inside any Abbeyfield premises. The majority of Abbeyfield sites have a designated external smoking area or shelter in place. Should you require use of this area, please request this information from the Service Manager or another member of staff on-site. Please ensure that you utilise the cigarette disposal facilities provided and leave the area clean and tidy.

Contact Us

Should you require further information or more detail on Abbeyfield’s health and safety expectations of its contractors, please request a copy of the full Contractor’s Induction Manual from the Property Team, Health & Safety Team, or Service Manager. 

Property Team - or 0121 818 2800 
Health & Safety Team -