Thank you for choosing to give in memory of someone you love and miss.

Looking to create a lasting tribute while supporting a cause you care about? In-memory donations to Abbeyfield Living Society can be a lovely way to honour a loved one, and help support our residents and their communities for years to come.

Whether you're a family member, friend, colleague, we're here to guide you through the process. 

Happy older people laughing together outside in garden

How can I raise donations in-memory for Abbeyfield?

Make your tribute unique. We provide personalised support and creative fundraising ideas to celebrate your loved one's memory, any way you choose.

By raising funds for Abbeyfield, you'll be making a difference to our residents and their communities.

Here are some ways you can fundraise

Older Man Enjoying The View

Create a tribute page

Share memories and celebrate your loved one's life with a dedicated online tribute page with MuchLoved. 

MuchLoved provides a free, permanent online tribute page for your loved one. Donations made through the page go directly to Abbeyfield, making it easy for friends and family to contribute.

Group Of Happy People Enjoying A Meal Together

Organise an event

Host an event to celebrate your loved one's life and raise funds for Abbeyfield. You could hold a bake sale, coffee morning, quiz night, or activity based on your loved one's hobbies or passion.

Older Couple Looking At Laptop

Funeral collections and donations

Abbeyfield is here to help you create a meaningful tribute with a funeral collection. We can help you set up an online collection page or manage donations collected at the service.

Considering an in-memory donation for someone special?

Your generosity creates a lasting tribute to your loved one's memory whilst supporting Abbeyfield. We'd be touched to learn more about your loved one.

Contact our fundraising team to discuss how your gift will make a difference.

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